We ceaselessly strive
to provide the best quality.


Advanced equipment and technology
and the extensive experience of
our experts are Tara TPS’s assets.

Effective Total Printing Solution

The entire printing processing of Planning>Designing>Plate making>Printing>Binding>Postprocessing, the entire printing process integrated into a total printing solution makes it possible to provide

With logistics center provisions, customer-driven order systems, ERP systems, etc., we effectively manage customers’ time and budget through our ordering and cost management system.


Tara TPS considers printing efficiency and effectiveness all together.

Eco-friendly Technology for the Future

To spread eco-friendly printing services, we acquired ISO 14001 certification and operating our business based on them.

In line with this effort, we adopted plant-based and low-temperature drying ink and zero-alcohol or organic solvents. We also introduced recycled materials to establish a green production process to realize sustainable business management.

We lead the printing industry to eco-friendly printing services.


Tara TPS, a green partner in ESG management

Outstanding Quality Control and Seasoned Experts

Japan Color, G7 Master, G7 Expert, Quality Management System

From ISO 9001 to independent company-wide quality improvements, we aim to provide the best quality control for our customers.

We assign dedicated managers for each client to save time and budget, enhancing customer satisfaction.


Tara TPS, printing service more going beyond a simple ordered production Tara TPS, printing service elevated from mere manufacturing business

Flexible and Easy Service Expansion

From bulk orders from companies and brands to small-scale personal orders, we provide integrated services from planning to production. From bulk orders from companies and brands to small-scale personal orders, we provide total services from planning to production.

Our expert design teams and outsourcing partners provide various products for branding and corporate activities, offering more than printing services.


Tara TPS, the partner that offers you planning, design, and production services Tara TPS, your partner to offer planning, design, and production services