We guarantee the quality
of every product we produce.

Company » Certifications

We are the best printing company recognized
by everyone everywhere.

Environmental Certification Background Image


Environmental Certifications

We pursue sustainable management by acquiring domestic and international green certifications.

FSC® CoC Certified

FSC C005413

Paju : FSC MIX
Notebooks, Books, Calendars, Diaries and organizers

FSC C186170

Euljiro : FSC MIX, FSC 100%, FSC RECYCLED Cardboard packaging, Sacks and bags of paper, Notebooks, Pads, File folders, Post and greeting cards, Envelopes, Books, Advertising materials, Business cards, Calendars, Diaries and Organizers, Wallpapers

ISO 14001

Environmental Management System ISO 14001

Quality Certification Background Image


Quality Assurance

We prioritize consistent quality management and innovation to realize outstanding quality for customer satisfaction.

ISO 9001

품질경영시스템 ISO 9001

MASTER facility colorspace

G7 Master Facility Colorspace



Responsible Management Certification Background Image


Responsible Management Certification

We strive to fulfill our social responsibilities.

ISO 27001

Information Security Management System ISO 27001

Mark Certified as an Excellent Human Resource Development Institution

Human Resource Development Center of Excellence Certification