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Consultation and Inquiries

Consultation and Inquiries

Contact Form English

Consent to collection and use of personal information

Consent to collection
and processing of personal
“Tara TPS Co., Ltd.” (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) values Scarf’s personal information and complies with lawa regarding promotion of information and communications network use and information protection. Apply protective laws to such actions. Therefore, the Company informs you that anyone processing your personal information will handle it as you wish, and that separate measures are being taken to protect your personal information. The company will post notices (or individual notices) on the website handling the personal information handling policy. The head office will relocate from December 1, 2024.

Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information
To provide services through consultation (confirming service locations, estimates, consultations).

Personal Information Items Collected
1. Collected Items: Name, Company Name, Email Address, Order Location Information, Consultation Details, etc.
2. Method of Collecting Personal Information: Company website.

Retention and Use Period of Personal Information
Personal information will be retained and used until the consultation is completed. However, consultation details will be preserved in a form that does not contain personal information.

Destruction Procedure and Method of Personal Information
The company will, in principle, destroy the information without delay once the purpose of collecting and using personal information has been achieved. The procedure and method for destruction are as follows:

1. Destruction Procedure
The information entered by the member will be stored for a certain period in a separate database after the purpose has been achieved, in accordance with internal policies and other relevant laws regarding information protection (refer to the retention and use period), and then destroyed.
Personal information transferred to the separate database will not be used for any purpose other than as required by law.
2. Destruction Method
Personal information stored in electronic file format will be deleted using technical methods that render the records unrecoverable.

Principles and Exceptions for Providing Personal Information
The company will, in principle, not provide users' personal information to external parties. However, exceptions are made in the following cases:

1. When users have given prior consent.
2. When required by law or in response to requests from investigative authorities in accordance with legal procedures.

Refusal of Consent for Providing Personal Information and Disadvantages
You have the right to refuse consent for providing personal information. If you do not consent, you will not be able to use online consultations.

Rights of Users and Legal Representatives and How to Exercise Them
Users and legal representatives can at any time view or modify the personal information of themselves or children under the age of 14 that is registered, and can request membership cancellation. For viewing or modifying personal information, you can click on ‘Change Personal Information’ (or ‘Modify Member Information’), and for membership cancellation (withdrawal of consent), click on “Withdraw Membership” to go through the identity verification process for direct viewing, correction, or withdrawal. Alternatively, you can contact the person in charge of personal information management via written request, phone, or email, and action will be taken without delay.

Installation, Operation, and Refusal of Automatic Personal Information Collection Devices
The company uses "cookies" to store and retrieve your information periodically. Cookies are very small text files sent from the server that operates the company's website to your browser, which are stored on your computer's hard disk. The company uses cookies for the following purposes:

1. Purpose of using cookies: To analyze the frequency of access and visit duration of members and non-members, understand users' preferences and interests, and analyze the status of the website.
2. Method to refuse cookie settings: You have the option to refuse cookie installation. Therefore, you can set options in your web browser to allow all cookies, receive confirmation whenever a cookie is stored, or refuse the storage of all cookies
3. Setting Method: For Internet Explorer (for example), you can proceed by going to Tools > Internet Options > Privacy > Delete. However, if you refuse cookie installation, there may be difficulties in providing services.

Complaints Service Regarding Personal Information
The company has designated relevant departments and a person in charge of personal information management to protect customer personal information and handle complaints related to personal information as follows:
1. Name of the Personal Information Management Officer: Kim Deuk-yong
2. Phone Number: 02-569-1472
3. Email: dykim@taragrp.co.kr
You can report any complaints related to personal information protection that arise while using the company's services to the personal information management officer or the relevant department. The company will promptly provide sufficient responses to user reports. For other reports or consultations regarding personal information infringement, please contact the following organizations:
1. Personal Information Infringement Report Center (www.118.or.kr / Call 118 without area code)
2. Information Protection Mark Certification Committee (www.eprivacy.or.kr / 02-580-0533~4)
3. Internet Crime Investigation Center of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office
4. Cyber Terror Response Center of the National Police Agency (www.ctrc.go.kr / 02-392-0330)

If you leave an inquiry, an expert will respond in detail.